Friday, October 28, 2011


                                              The Vikings were savages

I am not quite sure of the history of the Vikings, and neither is the internet, but I percieve that the vikings were pillagers who had no pity. They ransacked towns, killing just about everyone who did not comply with their demands. They were large men, closely related to barbarians.

The noun viking comes from Old Norse, meaning "expedition overseas".

They travelled much by sea, using longships and knarrs.

Longships were used for warfare and exploration, designed for speed and agility. The longship had oars stick out from its side, which were rowed by strong men.

The knarr was mostly used for cargo, even though they were some times used for warfare.

According to custom, all free Norse men were required to own weapons, as well as permitted to carry them all the time. These arms were also indicative of a Viking's social status: a wealthy Viking would have a complete ensemble of a helmet, shield, chainmail shirt, and sword. A typical bóndi was more likely to fight with a spear and shield, and most also carried a seax as a utility knife and side-arm. Bows were used in the opening stages of land battles, and at sea, but tended to be considered less "honorable" than a hand weapon. Vikings were relatively unusual for the time in their use of axes as a main battle weapon. The Húscarls, the elite guard of King Cnut were armed with two-handed axes which could split shields or metal helmets with

Even though Vikings were savages, they had feelings.  They expressed their emotions with music, whether it was through chants for sacrifices, or songs played on the lyre with a lively tune. Foreigners thought of their music as ugly. An Arab merchant visiting Hereby, Denmark, in the 10th century had this to say about the Viking's singing: "Never before I have heard uglier songs than those of the Vikings in Slesvig (in Denmark). The growling sound coming from their throats reminds me of dogs howling, only more untamed." Another visitor compared their singing to the sound of a heavily loaded cart rolling down a hillside. The storyteller explains the sound was a result of lack of moderation in contact with alcohol. (Obviously, even back then, beer and brass music obviously went well together.) 

There were two kinds of musicians back in viking times: Jesters and Skalds. Jesters were held in low regards, as they were commonly used for humor and court. You could kill a jester and not recieve punishment for the activity. Skalds travelled all around viking territory, singing to the viking chiefs and kings of the realm.

In conclusion, vikings were very vile creatures(Arghhhh!) who killed many and ransacked lots of land, but they still had a heart that held beautiful(not really) viking songs that made their lives worthwhile.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. Good pictures, nice thoughts on the history and good comments on the music.
